You can use the for loop with any Python object that provides an iterator, including the built-in sequence types such as the tuple, string, and list. 可以将for循环与提供迭代器的任何Python对象结合使用,这些对象包括tuple、string和list等内置序列类型。
Each stream is a weighted random sequence of transactions that are picked from a list of transaction templates. 每个事务流是以加权方式从一系列事务模板中随机选择的一系列事务。
This sequence of steps is triggered initially when the list is empty. 最初,在列表为空时触发这一系列步骤。
Note that the function can only access the list as an immutable sequence& that is, trying to modify the contents of the list results in an error. 注意,函数只能作为不可变的序列访问这个列表&也就是说,尝试修改列表的内容会导致错误。
A sequence is a range of numbers in brackets ( []); a set is a comma-delimited list in braces ( {}). 序列是放在方括号([])中的一个数字范围;集是放在花括号({})中的逗号分隔的列表。
The second sequence is the list of words sorted with the default sorting algorithm. 第二个是根据默认排序算法排序的词汇列表。
The Python list is a mutable sequence, which creates an intriguing possibility: that the body of the for loop could modify the list it is being iterated over. Pythonlist是一个可变序列,提供了一种令人好奇的可能性:for循环主体可以修改其正在迭代的list。
When you double-click on a message operation signature on a sequence diagram, a list of available operations will display. 当您在序列图的消息操作签名上双击时,会出现一个可用操作的列表。
You aren't limited to passing a sequence directly into the constructor; you can also pass a variable that holds a tuple or a string into the list constructor. 您不仅能够将序列直接传递给构造函数,还可以将拥有元组或字符串的变量传递给list构造函数。
It should yield a mutable sequence object ( e.g., a list). 这应给出一个可变有序对象(比如列表)。
You can also drag and drop a product to change the sequence of price list. 你也可以拖拉右边的页面上的某个商品,更改商品显示次序。
The sequence will contain a nested list of activities. 这个顺序活动包括一个嵌套的活动序列。
Write a program to find the shortest sequence of words ( having the smallest possible number of words) which corresponds to a given number and a given list of words. 对给定的数字和单词表,求出一个最简短的单词序列(也就是得出一尽可能少的单词来代替相应的数字)。
Confirm that all ports are enabled, and verify that the CD-ROM Device is listed BEFORE the Hard-Disk Drive in the Boot Sequence list. 确认所有的端口被激活,并且证实了光盘装置:硬盘驱动器的上市前的顺序列出。
Returns a list iterator of the elements in this list ( in proper sequence), starting at the specified position in this list. 从列表指定位置开始,以本来顺序返回列表元素的列表迭代器。
The sequence of the next act identification for each item shall reflect the sequence of the items in the item list. 每个条目下一动作标志的顺序应反映出条目列表中条目的顺序。
If the primary is a mutable sequence object ( e.g., a list), the subscript must yield a plain integer. 如果主元是可变有序对象(例如列表),下标必须给出一个普通整数。
To show a slide out of sequence, click a slide in the thumbnail list. 若要不按顺序放映幻灯片,请单击缩略图列表中的幻灯片。
If I want to create a set or a sequence representing these things, I simply insert into that list. 如果我想创建一个集合,或者一个序列表示这些东西,我只要简单的把它插入列表中。
For each box sequence in the input file, output the length of the longest nesting string on one line followed on the next line by a list of the boxes that comprise this string in order. 对应输入的每个盒子序列,应在第一行输出最长的嵌套串长度,在下一行按顺序输入组成这个嵌套串的盒子列表。
If we are given a database of sequences, where each sequence is a list of transactions ordered by transaction-time, and each transaction is a set of items. 假设有一个序列数据库,其中每个序列是一个按照事务时间排序的事务集合的列表,每个事务集合是一个项的集合。
In character recognition, the character lineament sequence was generated according to contour list and the character similarity was measured by its correlation value. 在字符识别中根据轮廓表生成字符的轮廓特征数据序列,运用其相关值来度量字符的相似程度。
And since the circular linked list is created based on the ascendant sequence of the data list, so the data can be classified effectively to make the Josephus data list to be distributed symmetrically and no duplicate. 根据数据元素值的递增顺序建立循环链表,能够有效地分类数据,使Josephus数据序列均匀分布且不重复。
After the research, treated and analyzed the data under the sequence of be familiar with and understand the data, classify the data under the research list, summarize and integrate the outcome, and write the report. 调查结束后,按照熟悉并理解原始材料、按调查提纲将资料进行分类、总结并综合结果、撰写报告的顺序整理与分析资料。
An Algorithm of Generating Stack Sequence Based on Linked List 基于链表的出栈序列生成算法
To prevent block cheating and rearrange the blocks, it designs security verification and a compressed sequence list. 文件分块需要考虑到安全问题和分片排序问题,本系统设计提供了分块安全验证扩展及排序记录方式。
Method: According to the characteristics of the stack of later in and first out, all the time sequence of characters is determined by the linked list. 方法:根据栈后进先出的特征,采用链表确定字符进栈的所有时刻序列,输出字符的所有出栈序列。
State Sequence List Method for Designing of Control Circuits 电器控制线路的状态顺序表设计法
A hierarchy and circularity of data structure was presented by analyzed STL files and compared a several of frequently used data structures. The structure acquired from redundancy vertex was filtered by vertex sequence of quick sort, and vertex adjacent list and triangle face adjacent list was established. 通过对STL文件的分析和几种常用数据结构的比较,给出了一种层次环状数据结构,该结构是由快速排序顶点序列进行冗余顶点滤除,并建立顶点邻接表和三角面片邻接表而得到的。
According to the order characteristics of sequence data, a novel Segment Feature List is developed for saving segment information. In the algorithm, time series can be segmented effectively with one scan of the database and the time complexity is O ( n). 该算法利用数据序列的有序性特征,构造了一种存储划分特征的链表结构,一次扫描数据库完成数据序列的在线划分,时间复杂度为O(n)。